Wednesday, March 16, 2011

SOCOM 4 Beta! Sharp Shooter!

Got my SOCOM 4 beta code and ready to play on March 29th! This one is made by the original creators, not the POS that was put out called SOCOM: Confrontation. Looking forward to some epic matches and for some very fluid teamwork. Plus the PlayStation Sharp Shooter works with this game also! Nothing like holding a freaking gun in your hands and picking off other players. This little piece of gaming goodness will bring you back to how much fun you though duck hunt was.

This is the one thing that makes you feel like your really in the game. You aim down the gun, line your shot up and pull the trigger. It's accurate what more can I say... BOOM HEADSHOT!
Happy Gaming!


  1. socom 2 was my first endeavor into online gaming. Completely hooked me, been a socom fan ever since.

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  3. This is a very cool device... and an awesome idea for the playstation... The kinect is just so much coolier with the hacks and tech intergration that is going on

  4. Nice, hope you will review the game when the beta starts.

  5. the gun looks awesome, do you have one?

  6. Yeah I have it been using it with KZ3 it's badass. I have Kinect too and the hacks i have been reading are very cool. I just wish both, would get more games. That I actually want to play.

  7. Would be nice play the game with a gun like that

  8. oh wow the gun component looks so cool! cant wait to see that if i ever meet someone with a ps3...

  9. I hadn't heard of that gun controller before, looks awesome! :O
